From our Degree team to our Honor Guard we stand firmly upon a long and positive history of leadership and staff teamwork that formed District II into the Very BEST District in the Province..

We serve the Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus Patriotic Fourth Degree within the 19 Counties that comprise the Lansing and Kalamazoo Dioceses. These are located in South-Central Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. Our mission is to assist and coordinate the Fourth Degree functions among these 22 Assemblies.

We are currently preparing to host our 90th Exemplification this fall and fliers are available under the Exemplification tab up above. This is the Jubilee Year of the 4th Degree, and we are celebrating the 125th Anniversary of our founding on Feb. 22, 1900.  Any forms you need can be downloaded by clicking on the Forms tab above.  This is a great opportunity to bring third Degree members into the Fourth Degree. Please make an extra effort to recruit your 4th Degree candidates to attend this All Day Event and Join with the best degree team in the Fr. Hennepin Province.    This will be a day you will never forget!

If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me..

90th Exempt - Battle Creek
Schedule-InfoSheet Spring Revised.5
90th Host Hotel Directions






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